President’s Message

KFOG President
Dr. Suchitra Sudhir

Dear KFOG members,

Greetings!! First of all , let me thank you for reposing your trust in me to be your President for 2025-26.

With all my mind and heart, I will do my very best to uphold the values and objects of this great organization, which will be possible only with each of your involvement and active cooperation.

My key message this year , is that "KFOG Cares".

We care for your

*personal well being....mind and body health...your dreams, your passions , your achievements and problems. Each member is important.

So we have our "Be Healthy and Make Others Healthy" program, reaching out to each of you with regular workouts, diet plans, tours and medical tests at your doorstep.

In case of any sudden problems...helplines are there...we have spokespersons who will help you with your response to media, public and relatives.

*The Patients : We are dedicated to their welfare. In no other profession , are two tender lives in our hands. We have to hone our skills and practices , constantly update our knowledge so that patient care is of utmost safety. For this, regular webinars, interactions, discussions, meetings, workshops are being planned. We need ypur vibrant participation please !

*The Public: Our thickly populated State needs mass screenings , awareness classes and Lifestyle changes to benefit their health. This is our responsibilty. Let us reach out to the unreached. Make them healthy and fit. That will reflect in our practice and make it more safe and better.

Women's cancer Screening in every District regularly by our Societies can make a difference. It should be a continuous process over the coming years as well to defeat this demon of Cancer.

Let us join hands ....Seniors, Teachers, Juniors ...blending experience, wisdom and expertise to create a new dawn of health care for our people, as well as ourselves !

Thank you, love you all...

Yours in service;

Dr Suchitra Sudhir
President KFOG 2025-26
