About KFOG

Welcome to the official website of the Kerala Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (KFOG). Here you will find information regarding the obstetric & gynaecological societies and clubs of Kerala and activities of the organization. KFOG - Kerala Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is the Association of the Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Kerala who are members of the Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies and Clubs in Kerala .
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President's Message

Dr. K.U. Kunjumoideen
Dr. K.U. Kunjumoideen

Time has been very kind to me and I have had the very good opportunity of having known, interacted and worked with all the past presidents of the Kerala Federation of OBGYN each of whom has left his or her mark in no small measure. Standing on the shoulders of giants, enables one to see further than the giant himself. And so , with their support, cooperation and good will I hope to take this splendid organisation to newer heights.

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Secretary's Message

Dr. Subhash Mallya
Dr. Subhash Mallya

Dear Friends,

A warm welcome to the official website of the Kerala Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology . This website we hope will give you a glimpse of the activities and composition of the Federation. The site also showcases the official publication of the Federation and is its window to the world. We have tried to make the website user friendly and accessible. The YouTube links on the website provide direct access to KFOG You Tube channel as well. Please provide feedback and feel free to communicate with us.

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Upcoming Events

Managing Council
